Location and How to Arrive

Torre Picasso is situated in the AZCA business and shopping centre, a place that has excellent road connections.

AZCA has a garden area situated a few metres from the Paseo de la Castellana thoroughfare, the north-south axis where the city’s economic activity is concentrated. Another quick route, Calle de Raimundo Fernandez Villaverde connects almost any place in the city from east to west by a series of flyovers and underpasses.

Torre Picasso is located in this complex, benefitting from excellent connections, buses, metro, commuter trains and even the railway station Nuevos Ministerios that links with Atocha (high speed train lines) and Chamartin stations, as well as a direct link to Barajas airport.

At the bottom of the building there is a designated area where taxis and private vehicles can drop off passengers.

The main access is from Paseo de la Castellana, across the Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso, and there are other pedestrian routes starting from Avenida General Peron and Calle Orense allowing easy access from outside.



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